Other Recent Research Interests

[Fast Computer Arithmetics] [Key Recovery/Escrow] [Key Renewal & Password-based Protocol] [Electronic Payment] [Hardware Fault Cryptanalysis] [Digital Signature] [Others]

Fast Computer Arithmetics for Cryptography Implementations

  1. High performance multi-exponentiation algorithm based on extremely new ideas.
  2. Batch exponentiation algorithm.

Key Recovery and Key Escrow

  1. Commercial key recovery with more practical model.
  2. Cryptanalysis of some recent key escrow systems.

Key Renewal and Password-based Protocol

  1. On line key renewal (updateing) protocol design.
  2. Cryptanalysis of some recent key downloading protocols.
  3. Cryptanalysis of some recent password-based key-distribution and authentication protocols.

Electronic Payment and Coin

  1. Research on electronic anonymous payment protocols.
  2. Electronic micro-payment protocols.

Hardware Fault and Hardware Oriented Cryptanalysis

  1. Research on new hardware fault models for hardware fault cryptanalysis.
  2. Research on hardware fault cryptanalysis for secret key cryptographic systems over new fault models.
  3. Research on hardware fault cryptanalysis for AES (advanced encryption system) over existing and new fault models.
  4. Research on power consumption monitoring attack.

Digital Signature

  1. Research and application on proxy signature.
  2. To be added.


  1. To be added.


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Last modified: Tue Oct 19 20:22:14 CST 1999
WebMaster <yensm@csie.ncu.edu.tw>