SE6023 Lab2 Pig

tags: hadoop

Introducing Pig!

Key Properties

Definitions and Data Types

Relations, Bags, Tuples, Fields

Pig Latin statements work with relations. A relation can be defined as follows:

A field is a piece of data.

A tuple is an ordered set of fields.

A bag is a collection of tuples.

A relation is a bag (more specifically, an outer bag).

For example,

> A = LOAD 'student' USING PigStorage() AS (name:chararray, age:int, gpa:float);
(John,18,4.0F) <-tuple

1st Field 2nd Field 3th Field
Data type chararray int float
Positional notation(generated by system) $0 $1 $2
Possible name (assigned by you using a schema) name age gpa
Field value (for the first tuple) John 18 4.0

For debugging purposes and ease of comprehension, it is better to use field names.

Type Example
tuple (1,‘programmer’)
bag {(1,‘programmer’),(2),(3,‘apple’)}
Conventions Description Example
( ) Parentheses enclose one or more items. Multiple items: (1, abc, (2,4,6) )


In Pig Latin, expressions are language constructs used with the FILTER, FOREACH, GROUP, and SPLIT operators as well as the eval functions.

For example:

## An arithmetic expression could look like this:
> X = GROUP A BY f2*f3;

## A string expression could look like this, where a and b are both chararrays:

## A boolean expression could look like this:
> X = FILTER A BY (f1==8) OR (NOT (f2+f3 > f1));


Pig Hands-on

Replace all occurrences of a000000000 with your username.

Import data

import test.txt

## Retrieve test data
~$ wget
~$ cat test.txt
1950 11 1
1950 12 2
1955 11 1
1954 12 2
1953 13 1
1954 12 2
~$ hadoop fs -put ./test.txt /user/a000000000/test.txt

## Run pig
# pig -x tez  # will make some query faster, but will fail to ILLUSTRATE
# pig -d WARN # will hide some annoying INFO messages
~$ pig

## Load data of test.txt
## Use PigStorage(' ') to use ' '(space) as the delimiter.
grunt> records = load '/user/a000000000/test.txt' using PigStorage(' ') as (year:chararray, temperature:int, quality:int);

## Show the structure of a relation
grunt> describe records;
records: {year: chararray,temperature: int,quality: int}

## Show records in test.txt
grunt> dump records;


Data Processing

## Data filtering
grunt> rec1 = filter records by temperature >11 and (quality == 0 or quality == 2);
grunt> dump rec1;

## Data Grouping
grunt> rec2 = group rec1 by year;
grunt> describe rec2;
rec2: <group: charryareray, rec1 <year: chararry, temperature: int, quality: int>>
grunt> dump rec2;


grunt> maxt = FOREACH rec2 GENERATE group, MAX(rec1.temperature);
grunt> dump maxt


Show where the result come from

grunt> ILLUSTRATE maxt
| records     | year:chararray     | temperature:int     | quality:int     | 
|             | 1952               | 14                  | 2               | 
|             | 1952               | 12                  | 2               | 
|             | 1953               | 11                  | 1               | 
|             | 1954               | 12                  | 1               | 
|             | 1952               | 12                  | 0               | 
| rec1     | year:chararray     | temperature:int     | quality:int     | 
|          | 1952               | 14                  | 2               | 
|          | 1952               | 12                  | 2               | 
|          | 1952               | 12                  | 0               | 
| rec2     | group:chararray     | rec1:bag{:tuple(year:chararray,temperature:int,quality:int)}                     | 
|          | 1952                | {}                                                                               | 
|          | 1952                | {}                                                                               | 
| maxt     | group:chararray     | :int     | 
|          | 1952                | 14       | 

Write your first pig scripts

 * test.pig
records = load '/user/a000000000/test.txt' using PigStorage(' ') as (year:chararray, temperature:int, quality:int);
rec1 = filter records by temperature >11 and (quality == 0 OR quality == 2);
rec2 = group rec1 by year;
maxt = foreach rec2 generate group, MAX(rec1.temperature);
dump maxt;
~$ pig test.pig

Comparing with RDBMS/Hive

Name Description
Database SQL commands, pre-defined schema
Hadoop Hive SQL-Like commands on Hadoop HDFS
Pig Data flow commands and runtime schema on Hadoop HDFS


Deadline: 4/22 pm12:00


Test Input

Write a pig latin script to:

  1. Load pdata.txt. Collect all the data after 1951 (1951 is not included)
  2. Filter the data where quality =1
  3. Group the data by temperature, and then calculate the largest year for each temperature

Save your script named studentID_practice1.pig in your home directory/lab2 (~/lab2).

Expected value



Test Input

Write a pig latin script:

  1. Load pbad.txt, remove bad data.
  2. Split good data into new data if quality matches ‘[0123456789]’, and old data if quality does not match ‘[0123456789]’.
  3. Convert temperature in degrees Celsius (°C) to in degrees Fahrenheit (°F)
  4. Use dump to show the maximum temperature with decimal fraction for each year in the old data


Save your script named studentID_practice2.pig in your home directory/lab2 (~/lab2).

Expected value
