SE6023 作業截止日時在做什麼?有沒有空?可以讓Linux跟我和平相處嗎?(1)
What do you do at the deadline? Are you busy? Will Linux work together with me?

在這個作業告終之前 -login/incorrect-
Before the deadline of the assignments

這 堂課的作業會假設大家都對 Linux 的基本操作有一定程度的認識,因此不會在課堂上重複描述基本的 Linux 操作方式,可能會讓不熟悉這個平台的同學有比較大的學習斷層;在這份文章裏面我們會快速的介紹在作業中會用到的常見功能/指令、並增加在現有平台上的作業 效率。
The assignments of this course will assume that everyone have basic ability to work with linux. This document will quickly introduce the commands/features/tools you need to know to efficiently do the assignments.

在不講道理的這個世界裡 -broken dir/erase-
In this senseless world

You need to know some basic commands since we will not provide graphical interface in remote environment.

常見的 Linux 基本指令 Frequently used Linux Commands

有些程式需要用<指令> -h來觀看簡單的說明訊息,例如hadoop -h
Some command may not have manual built-in, you can try <command> -h instead. For example, hadoop -h and hadoop fs -h.

常見的神祕符號 Frequently used symbols

可能可以提高效率的軟體 Softwares might be helpful

雲上之森 -sftp with VSCode-
Forest in the Cloud

如果你已經在用 VS Code 了,可以用sftp套件讓編輯自動與遠端桌面保持同步,並直接在編輯器中開啟終端機。
If you use Visual Studio Code, you can use sftp extension to work seamlessly with the remote server(file sync, terminal in the editor…etc).

  1. 打開VSCode左側的extension按鈕,搜尋並安裝sftp
    Fire up VS Code, click extensions button on the left panel then search and install sftp

  2. 在編輯器中打開/建立資料夾作為工作目錄
    Open/Create a folder as working directory

  3. 按下Ctrl+Shift+P打開Command Pallete,輸入SFTP並點選SFTP: Config
    Press Ctrl+Shift+P to fire up command pallete, enter SFTP then click SFTP: Config

  4. 輸入正確的登入資訊並儲存檔案(Ctrl+S),123456789請以學號代替
    Enter valid login info and save the sftp.json by Ctrl+S. Replace 123456789 with your student ID.

  5. 點選左方的Remote Explorer, My Server(或剛剛在name中設定的名字) 並輸入密碼登入。
    Click Remote Explorer in the left panel, click “My Server”(or the name you set in the sftp.json) and login with your password.

  6. 在本地端Explorer即可直接選擇上傳檔案到server,或者從Remote Explorer預覽遠端檔案。上傳的檔案在存檔時會自動同步。
    Now you can upload file/folder directly to the server, or preview files on the server with remote explorer. The Uploaded file will sync automatically after save.