Computing (¶q¤lpºâ) 2022
Lecturer: ¦¿®¶·ç
Teaching Assistants (TAs):
°ª¤l»¨ ¤ý¬R³Ç ÃCÝ¿«
Time: ¶g¤G 14:00~16:50
Place: ¶g¤G ¤u¤À] E6-A204
Form (½u¤Wñ¨ì³æ): ??
Online Course Link (½u¤W½Òµ{Ãìµ²): ??
Offline Video List: RUL
Goal: Leading students to understand the basic principles of
quantum computing and the developments and the applications of
the latest quantum computing technologies.
- midterm project (programming) (25%)
- oral report in class (25%)
- term project (programming) (30%)
- homework, reports and in-class participation (20%)
Reference Books:
- ±i¤¸µ¾, ¶q¤l¹q¸£»P¶q¤lpºâ, ùÖ®p¸ê°T, 2020.
- ³¯«Ø§»(Ķ), ¶q¤lpºâ¹ê¾Ô, ùÖ®p¸ê°T, 2020.
- ²ø¥Ã¸Î(Ķ), ¹Ï¸Ñ¶q¤l¹q¸£¤Jªù, ÁyÃÐ, 2020.
- ªL§ÓÂEµ¥, ¶q¤l¹q¸£À³¥Î»P¥@¬É¯ÅÄvÁɹê°È, 2021.
- Jack D. Hidary, Quantum Computing: An Applied Approach (2nd
Ed), 2021.
- Chris Bernhardt, Quantum Computing for Everyone, 2020.
- Nihal Mehta, Quantum Computing -- Program Next-Gen Computers
for Hard, Real-World Applications, 2020.
- Michael A. Nielsen, and Isaac L. Chuang, Quantum Computation
and Quantum Information, 2002.
- (9/13) 1. Introduction to
Quantum Computing -- From quantum bit to quantum algorithm (qc-talk.pptx)(qc-talk-full.pptx)
- (9/20) 2. Quantum
programming for the first time (Introduction to IBM Q
quantum computer and D-Wave quantum computer) (QBookCh1.zip)
Textbook Exercises (Select one from 1.1-1.3)(and 1.4)(and
1.5 Bonus) (deadline: by noon before next class)

- 3. (9/28-10/11) (16+2¼u©Ê±Ð¾Ç) + PBL
(Problem-Based Learning, or Project-Based Learning):
Distributed Quantum Computing System (DQCS), and Quantum
Annealing Algorithm (QA)
* Dirac Notation
* Bloch Sphere
* H, X, CNOT Gates
* Quantum Entanglement (EPR pair)
* Quantum Teleportation
Homework 2: Select two out
of Ex2.1,...,Ex2.5. Deadline: 10/4 noon
- 4. (10/4)
(16+2¼u©Ê¾Ç²ß)(No Class)(¾Ç¥Í¦Û¦æ¬ãŪ¥H¤UijÃD©Î½×¤å¡A¨Ã©ó10/11¤À
#1. Topic: Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) : BB84 (Proposed
by Bennett and Brassard in 1984)
#2. Topic: Quantum Key Distribution
(QKD) with entanglement: E91 (Proposed by Ekert in 1991) with
comparisons with BB84
#3. Topic: Quantum Key
Distribution (QKD) : B92 (Proposed by Bennett in 1992)
with comparisons with BB84 and E91
#4. Paper: Burr, J.,
Parakh, A., & Subramaniam, M. (2022). Quantum internet.
Ubiquity, 2022 (August), 1-14.
#5. Paper: Caleffi, M., Cacciapuoti, A. S., & Bianchi,
G. (2018, September). Quantum Internet: From communication
to distributed computing!. In Proceedings of the 5th ACM
International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and
Communication (pp. 1-4).
#6. paper: Cuomo, D., Caleffi, M., & Cacciapuoti, A. S.
(2020). Towards a distributed quantum computing ecosystem.
IET Quantum Communication, 1(1), 3-8.
#7. Paper: Loke, S.
W. (2022). From Distributed Quantum Computing to Quantum
Internet Computing: an Overview. arXiv preprint
#8. Paper: Loke, S. W. (2022). The Rise of Quantum Internet
Computing. arXiv preprint arXiv:2208.00733.
#9. Topic: Quantum Tuneling + Ising Model + Quadratic
Unconstrained Binary Optimization (QUBO) model + One example
of QUBO to solve an NP-hard problem (For CSIE Undergraduate
- 5. (10/11) ¤G¤H¤@²Õ¡A¤À²Õ³ø§i¡A¨C²Õ³ø§i12¤À+3¤ÀÄÁQ&A
- 6. (10/18) Quantum
Annealing + Single-bit Quantum Gates, Unitary Matrices, and
Quantum Circuits
Paper: Solving
NP-hard Problems with Quantum Annealing, presented at
IEEE ECICE 2022(°É»~¥[¤À)(Slides)(QBookCh3.zip)
Homework 3: Select two out of Ex3.1,...,
Ex3.5. Deadline: 10/25 noon
- 7. (10/25) Multi-bit
Quantum gates, Phase Kickback, and Grover Algorithm
Paper: Quantum Circuit Based on
Grover Algorithm to Solve Hamiltonian Cycle Problem, presented at IEEE ECICE
Homework 4: Select one out of Ex4.1,...,
Ex4.5, and one out of Ex6.1,..., Ex6.5. Deadline: 11/8
- 8. (11/1) No Class (for preparing midterm
Midterm Project: (Due: 11/11
noon 11/15 noon)
Option 1: Write a quantum program based on Grover
algorithm to find the maximum, minimum, mean, or median
of a given set of unstructured data. You should hand in an
electronic-version report describing your method, your
circuit, your program, and the results of running your
program (circuit). (Let the number of index qubits be 3 or
(Reference: Quantum Minimum Searching
Algorithm and Circuit Implementation)(Paper and
Option 2: Write a quantum program based on
Grover algorithm to find the number of solutions to
the Hamiltonian cycle problem for 4-clique. You should
hand in an electronic-version report describing your
method, your circuit, your program, and the results of
running your program (circuit).
(Reference: https://qiskit.org/textbook/ch-algorithms/quantum-counting.html)
- 9. (11/8) Paper: ¨Ï¥Î¶q¤l½u¸ô¼ÒÀÀ¶q¤lºô»Úºô¸ô®Ö¤ß¾÷¨î, 2022
»OÆWºô»Úºô¸ô¬ã°Q·|(TANET 2022, 12/15-17)½×¤å (Slides)
- 10. (11/15) Quantum Fourier
Transform (QFT), Inverse Quantum Fourier Transform (IQFT),
and Quantum Phase Estimation (QPE) (FFT.zip)
and Quantum Counting (QCount.zip)
Homework 5: Select two out
of Ex7.1, Ex7.2, and Ex7.3. Deadline: 11/22
½m²ß 7.1
³]p¶q¤lµ{¦¡±N 5 Ó¶q¤l¦ì¤¸ªì©lª¬ºA³]©w¬°
¦¡¥i¥Hª½±µ©I¥s¥»³¹´£¨Ñªº qft ¤Î iqft
qft ¤Î iqft¨ç¼Æªº²Ó¸`¡A¦ý¬O¦b©I¥s³o 2 Ó¨ç¼Æ¤§«en¥ý°õ¦æ©w¸q³o 2 Ó¨ç¼Æªºµ{¦¡¡C
½m²ß 7.2
³]p¶q¤lµ{¦¡³z¹L¶q¤l¬Û¦ì¦ô´ú¡A¥H 3
ª½±µ©I¥s¥»³¹´£¨Ñªº iqft
iqft ¨ç¼Æªº²Ó¸`¡A¦ý¬O¦b©I¥s iqft ¨ç¼Æ¤§«en¥ý°õ¦æ©w¸q iqft ¨ç¼Æªºµ{¦¡¡C
½m²ß 7.3
³]p¶q¤lµ{¦¡³z¹L¶q¤l¬Û¦ì¦ô´ú¡A¥H 6 Óp¼Æ¦ì¤¸ªº´ú¶qµ²ªG±À¾É¥X±a 𝜋/3 °Ñ¼Æ¤\¥¿ÅÜ´« P
ª½±µ©I¥s¥»³¹´£¨Ñªº iqft
iqft ¨ç¼Æªº²Ó¸`¡A¦ý¬O¦b©I¥s iqft ¨ç¼Æ¤§«en¥ý°õ¦æ©w¸q iqft ¨ç¼Æªºµ{¦¡¡C
- 11. (11/22) RAS algorithm
(RSA.zip), and Shor¡¦s
algorithm (QBookCh7.zip)
Homework 6: Select one out
of Ex5.1, Ex5.2, and Ex5.3, and one out of Ex7.4
and Ex7.5. Deadline: 11/29 noon
½m²ß 7.4
³]p¶q¤lµ{¦¡«Øºc¨Ï¥Î 2 Ó¶q¤lp¼Æ¦ì¤¸¡A¹ïÀ³ 𝑓(𝑥) = 11^𝑥 (mod 15)
¶g´Á¡Cµ{¦¡¥i¥Hª½±µ©I¥s¥»³¹´£¨Ñªº qc_mod15 ¤Î iqft
¾Ú´ú¶qµ²ªG±o¨ìªº¶g´Á¦ô´úÈ¡C½Ðª`·N¡Aµ{¦¡µL¶·¥[¤J©w¸q qc_mod15 ¤Î idft
¨ç¼Æªº²Ó¸`¡A¦ý¬O¦b©I¥s³o 2 Ó¨ç¼Æ¤§«en¥ý°õ¦æ©w¸q³o 2 Ó¨ç¼Æªºµ{¦¡¡C
½m²ß 7.5
³]p¶q¤lµ{¦¡«Øºc¨Ï¥Î 4 Ó¶q¤lp¼Æ¦ì¤¸¡A¹ïÀ³ 𝑓(𝑥) = 7^𝑥 (mod 15)
¶g´Á¡Cµ{¦¡¥i¥Hª½±µ©I¥s¥»³¹´£¨Ñªº qc_mod15 ¤Î iqft
¾Ú´ú¶qµ²ªG±o¨ìªº¶g´Á¦ô´úÈ¡C½Ðª`·N¡Aµ{¦¡µL¶·¥[¤J©w¸q qc_mod15 ¤Î idft ¨ç¼Æªº²Ó¸`¡A¦ý
¬O¦b©I¥s³o 2 Ó¨ç¼Æ¤§«en¥ý°õ¦æ©w¸q³o 2 Ó¨ç¼Æªºµ{¦¡¡C
- 12. (11/29)
Quantum Teleportation (QTeleport.pptx)
Machine Learning/Deep Learning and Their
Applications (ML4QC(2022-1128).pptx)(DL4QC(2022-1128).pptx)
(1). Industrial
Control System Anomaly Detection and
Classification Based on Network Traffic, IEEE Access, 2022. (Slides)
(2). Deep
Learning Anomaly Classification Using
Multi-Attention Residual Blocks for Industrial
Control Systems, Sensors, 2022. (Slides)
7: Derive the general quantum state equation of
the following Bell-state quantum circuit and
validate your equation with the histogram.
Deadline: 12/6 noon

- 13, 14, 15. (12/6,
12/13, 12/20) Second Oral Report (Upload Slides
by noon before the class starts)
Paper: Jehn-Ruey Jiang, ¡§Quantum
Entanglement with Self-stabilizing Token Ring for
Fault-tolerant Distributed Quantum Computing System,¡¨
accepted to present at the 26th Conference on Quantum
Information Processing (QIP 2023), Ghent, Belgium, February
4-10, 2023. (https://arxiv.org/abs/2209.11361)(Slides)
#1 Quantum Fourier Convolutional Network
#2 Entanglement in Phase Estimation Algorithm and
Quantum Counting Algorithm
#3 Distributed Quantum Machine Learning
#4 Quantum Phase Estimation Based Algorithms for
Machine Learning
#5 Machine Learning in the Quantum Realm: The
State-of-the-art, Challenges, and Future Vision
#6 A Review of Various Quantum Routing Protocols
Designed for Quantum Network Environment
#7 DQRA: Deep Quantum Routing Agent for
Entanglement Routing in Quantum Networks
#8 Order Matters: On the Impact of Swapping Order
on an Entanglement Path in a Quantum Network
- 16. (12/27) Deutsch-Jozsa
(DJ) algorithm (QBookCh5.zip)
and Term Project Announcement (Slides)
Term Project
Problem: Designing quantum circuits for
calculating the Hamming distance of 2-qubit
Boolean functions f(x) and g(x) for the cases of
the distance = 2, 3, and 4 (33% per case).
Related Paper: Zidan, M., Eldin, M. G., Shams, M.
Y., Tolan, M., Abd-Elhamed, A., & Abdel-Aty,
M. (2022). A Quantum Algorithm for Evaluating the
CONTINUA, 71(1), 1065-1078.
- 17. (1/3) No Class (For you
to prepare for the Final Project)
- Term Project (30%) Due Day:
2023/01/10 13:00
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