Algorithmics (演算法) for 福建師範大學

Lecturer: 江振瑞
Teaching Assistant
s (TAs): 姚克翰 潘邦睿 許哲昇 林育勳 鍾偉勝 郭昶逵
Time: 週二 15:00~17:50
Place: A207

TA Class: 週三 18:00~20:00
Reference Books:
A graph
D. 針對以下的給定圖,列出Bellman-Ford最短路徑演算 法執行過程, 說明Bellman -Ford最短路徑演算法如何檢查出一給定圖具有負循環(negative-weight cycle)。

E. 證明Bellman-Ford最短路徑演算法可以檢查出一給定圖具有負循環(negative-weight cycle),也就是累積邊加權為負的循環。
F. 寫一個演算法來解決最長單調遞增子序列問題(the longest monotonically increasing subsequence problem),並分析演算法的時間複雜度。
Title: This talk introduces the SDN (Software Defined Networking) concept and its development and applications. The talk also includes the topic of extending Dijkstra’s shortest path algorithm to achieve the optimal routing for SDN by considering not only edge weights but also node weights. How to implement the extended Dijkstra’s algorithm with Pyretic, a Python-based language for developing SDN applications, is also elaborated. Finally, simulation results of the algorithm using the Mininet and the Iperf tools on the Abilene topology are described.
A. 證明支配集問題(dominating set problem)為NP問題。
B. 證明點覆蓋問題(vertex cover problem)為NP問題。
C. 證明集團問題(clique problem)為NP問題。
D. 證明著色問題(chromatic coloring problem)為NP問題。
E. 證明0/1 背包問題(0/1 knapsack problem)為NP問題。
F. 證明3-滿足問題(3-SAT problem)為NP問題。
G. 證明獨立頂點集合問題(independent set problem)為NP問題。
I. 證明Steiner tree決策問題為NP問題。

J. 證明裝箱問題(bin packing problem)為NP問題。
For Programming:


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