The Attack and Defense of Computers
Dr. Fu-Hau Hsu (許富皓)
- 陳建欣 (opp556687 at gmail dot com)
- Office Hour:
- Location: Room B322-1
- 王顥鈞 (109522060 at cc dot ncu dot edu dot tw)
- Office Hour:
- Location: Room B322-1
Current Grades
(updated: 17th Jan. 2022)
- If you have any question about your grade, please contact the TA before 12:00 PM, 19th Jan., 2022.
- After the above time, I will send your grades to the office of academic affairs, which means I
am no longer able to change your grades after then.
If you want to download the following ppt files,
please do NOT use
Chrome. |
- Syllabus (15th Sep.)
Malware: Logic Bombs, Key Logger, URL Injection, Browser Hijackers, Trojan Horses, and
Spyware. (22nd Sep.)
Internet Worms, Buffer Overflow Attacks, and Heap Overflow Attacks
Return-into-libc attacks, BOA Countermeasures, Drive-by Download, Rogue Anti-Virus (29th Sep.)
Botnet (6th Oct.)
Disk Layout, BIOS, and Viruses (13th Oct.)
Linux Fileless Malware (20th Oct.)
sniffer, and Rootkits
for Linux/Unix (27th Oct.)
- Rootkits for
Linux/Unix (4th Nov.)
- Project Demo Time, no lecture. (11th Nov.)
- University sports day. The school is not in session. (17th Nov.)
Magic Cookies and Web Bugs (24th Nov.)
HTTP cookies (1st Dec.)
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
(8th Dec.)
DOM-based XSS(15th Dec.)
SQL Injection and
Stealing (22nd Dec.)
- Account Stealing,
TCP Session
Hijacking (29th Dec.)
- ARP Spoofing and
Format String Attacks,
and DoS/DDoS Attacks (6th Jan.)
- Project Demo Time, no lecture. (12th Jan., 2022)
- supplementary material, not covered in the final exam.
- If you win an excellent award in the following important contests this semester, we may add at most 80 points to your final grade of
this course.
- 金盾獎:https://security.cisanet.org.tw/index.aspx
Semester Project
- project 分組名單
- 專題平台
- GDB & PWN Tools
- 注意事項:
- 請各位同學在分組名單的表單上填寫自己小組的隊名,並且在作業平台註冊帳號建立的隊伍名稱務必與表單上相同。
- 助教在作業截止後會從作業的平台直接抓取各個隊伍的分數,因此請務必填寫正確的隊伍名稱以免影響自己的成績。
- 請務必確保自己隊伍在作業截止時間前繳交flag,若截止時間到,專題平台上面沒有紀錄,則不會有該題的分數。
- 請勿分享題目的解法或flag,也請不要在作業截止前將解法放在公開的網路上,違反者,該專題以零分計算。
- 各組demo的時間會再另外公告。
- 問題無論是否能解出來都可繳交 writeup 給助教,助教會根據 writeup 的答題程度斟酌給分。
- 若無法聯絡到組員請盡快與助教聯絡。
- Project 1 (posted: 17th Oct.)
- 注意事項:
- 檔案請以 PDF 形式繳交檔名為
- 每組一人代表交一份即可。
- 未解出題目仍可寫 writeup 助教會按照解題程度給予部分分數。
- Deadline: 2021-11-16 23:59
- 請各位同學用組別名稱填入想要
demo project 1的時段至本表單中。(updated: 29th Oct.)
- Late Submission is not allowed.
- Weight: 33%
- Project 2 (posted: 11th Nov.)
- 注意事項:
- Write your reports in Word files (
- Each team only needs to submit one report.
- Send your reports in Word files (
format) to the TAs through E-mail.
- Deadline: 23:59 2022/1/14
- Late Submission is not allowed.
- Weight: 33%
- Project 3 (posted: 2nd Dec.)
- Deadline: 23:59 2022-1-11
- Weight: 34%
- Project Teammate (posted: 1st Sep.)
- Each team has 3 members.
- If you cannot find your teammates, we will assign your teammates for you. However, because we do not know you, our arrangement
may not be good for you; hence, you had better find your teammates yourself.
- The first lecture and password (posted 8th Sep.)
- This course is provided for the graduate students and senior students of CSIE department and we have increased the number of
students that can take this course; hence, if you are qualified to take this course, you are supposed to be able to register
this course without a password now.
- If you are a graduate student or a senior student of other departments, please contact the TAs to get your
password. The TAs' email addresses are on the top of this web page.
- The TAs will begin to dispatch passwords through emails after the first lecture of this course.
- Please use the web page shown the live broadcasting of this course to see the lectures. Please check the
即時線上發問系統 to find the
URL of 即時線上課程 every week before every week's lecture.
- Please do NOT go to the classroom unless we notify you of doing so.
- Project Teams (posted: 15th Sep.)
- Please fill out the project team member form by 23:55 10/19 (Tue.).
- Please click here to find the URL of the form.
- Please click here to find announcements about the projects (posted: 17th Oct.)
- 請各位同學用組別名稱填入想要
demo project 1的時段至本表單中。 (posted: 29th Oct.)
- Project 2 has
been posted on this course web page. (posted: 11th Nov.)
- Project 1 Grades (posted: 17th Nov.)
- If you have any question about your grade, please contact the TAs.
- We plan to provide a makeup project for project 1. In the following two weeks' (24th/Nov. and 1st Dec.) lectures, we will
explain the way how the makeup project will be provided.
- Project 3 has
been posted on this course web page. (posted: 2nd Dec.)
- Makeup Examination of Project 1
(posted: 12th Dec.)
- We will change the makeup examination for project 1 into a written examination form.
- We will describe the detail of this makeup examination on 15th Dec.'s lecture.
- The TAs will explain the answers of several questions in advance. Then, all makeup examination questions are chosen from the
questions that the TAs have explained.
- The grades
of the makup examination of project 1 have been posted on this web page. (posted: 23rd Dec.)
Total Grades (posted: 17th Jan. 2022)
- The Total Grades of this course have
been posted on this course web page.
- If you have any question about your grade, please contact the TA before 12:00 PM, 19th Jan., 2022.
- After the above time, I will send your grades to the office of academic affairs, which means I
am no longer able to change your grades after then.
Referenced Material