(1) Download DBMiner from http://db.cs.sfu.ca/DBMiner/index.html
(2) When DBMiner is ready to use, check the on-line DBMiner tutorial which can be accessed from here.
(3) Following the steps outlined in Section 1 in the tutorial to connect DBMiner to the OLAP server, the name of which is CYPRESS in the CSIL.
(4) Read Section 2 in the tutorial on how to mine associations from a data cube in DBMiner. The tutorial shows how to mine inter-dimensional associations. In this question, you are required to mine both inter-dimensional and intra-dimentional asscociations. Pay special attention to step (d) in the tutorial in that section. For intra-dimensional association mining in DBMiner, you will specify the Repetitive dimension as well as the Group by dimension(s) in that step. You may also set the contraints there (you may need to read the on-line documentation on what the contraints are in DBMiner).
(5) In this question, select FoodMart as your data base.
MINE Inter-dimensional association WITH RESPECT TO Customers, Education Level, Gender, Marital Status, Product FROM CUBE FoodMart-Sales SET Minimum support 5% SET Minimum confidence 45% WITH CONSTRAINTS AS FOLLOWS The level for dimension Customers: USA. The level for dimension Education Level: Bachelor degreeUse the mining wizard in DBMiner to submit this association task. How many rules did you obtain finally? For each meta rule below, report the one with the highest support in the final rule set.
In the final rule set, do you think whether there are any redundant
rules? If yes, choose one and explain why it is redundant.
MINE Intra-dimensional association WITH REPETITIVE DIMENSION Promotion Media GROUP BY DIMENSION Customers FROM CUBE FoodMart-Sales SET Minimum support 10% SET Minimum confidence 80% WITH CONSTRAINTS AS FOLLOWS The level for dimension Customers: [City] The items selected for dimension Promotion Media to do the association: [Bulk Media], [Cash Register Handout], [Daily Paper, Radio, TV], [Daily Paper, Radio], [Daily Paper], [In-Store Coupon] Only use these constraints to do the associationUse the mining wizard in DBMiner to submit this association task. Please note that when you submit this query, follow the constraints strictly and do not change them. Otherwise, it would generate too many rules and cost too much time.
How many rules did you finally obtain? List the three rules with the highest support along with their corresponding confidence.
For each step, submit the result you obtained.