Personal Data

 Dec. 2008

Shing-Tsaan Huang


Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

 National Central University


Fax: 886-3-4227151 Ext. 35301



1. Basic data

Nationality: Taiwan, Republic of China

Birth place: Taiwan

Birth year: 1949

Two sons, and one daughter


2. Education

Ph. D. (Computer Science), University of Maryland, College Park, 1985

Master of Science (Applied Math.)National Tsing Hua University, 1977

Bachelor of Science (Atmospheric Physics)National Central University, 973


3. Academic Experiences

Aug. 1998 present

Professor, National Central University, Taiwan.

Jan. 2006 – present

K.T. Lee Chair Professor, National Central University – present

Jan. 2008 – present

Co-Convener, Taiwan E-learning and Digital Archive Program (TELDAP)

Jan. 2003 – Dec. 2007

Co-Convener, National Science and Technology Program for e-Learning, Taiwan

May, 2003 Jan. 2006

Vice President, National Central University, Taiwan

Aug. 1998 April, 2003

Dean, College of EE&CS, National Central University.

Aug. 1989 - present

Professor, National Tsing Hua University.

Aug. 1985 - July, 1989

Associate Professor, National Tsing Hua University.

Aug. 1995 - Dec. 1998

Coordinator, Academic Field of Computer and Information Engineering, National Science Council, R.O.C.

Aug. 1991 - July, 1994

Chair, Dept. of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University.

Aug. 1989 - July, 1991

Director, University Computer Center, National Tsing Hua University.


4. Non-Academic Experiences

June, 1980 - Aug. 1982

Manager, System Soft/Ware Division, FIC.

Sept. 1978 - May, 1980

Chief Analyst, Computer Center, TaiPei General Veteran Hospital

July, 1977 - Sept. 1978

Assistant Researcher, Telecommunication Lab.


5. Honors

Aug. 1991 - Dec. 1997

Member, Consultant Board, National Science Council

Jan. 1995 - Dec. 1997

Member, Advisory Committee of Science Education, Ministry of Education.

July, 1994 - Present

Member, Technical Review Board, Industry Development Bureau, Ministry of Economic Affairs.

Jan. 1994 - Dec, 1996

Subject Editor, Computer and Information Engineering Area, Journal of Chinese Institute of Engineering

July, 1992 - July, 1999

Editor, Journal of Information Science and Engineering

Fellow, IEEE

Voting Member, ACM

Member of the Phi-Tau-Phi Society


6. Awards

Jan. 2006 present

K.T. Lee Chair Professor, National Central University


Outstanding Research Award of Pan Wen Yuan Foundation

Jan. 2002

IEEE Fellow (elected) for Contributions to Parallel and Distributed Computing

Aug. 1997 - Present

Specially Contracted Researcher, National Science Council

1991, 1993, 1995

Outstanding Research Awards.


7. Academic Activities

Session Chair, 1993 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, USA.

PC member, 1996 International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Hong-Kong.

Program Co-Chair, 1992 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Taiwan.

Tutorial Chair, Steering Committee member and PC member, 1993 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Taiwan.

Steering Committee Member and PC member, 1994 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Taiwan.

Stream Chair, 1994 International Conference on Computer and Information, Canada.

PC member, 1995, 1996, 1997, 1998 International Conference on Computer and Information, Canada.

PC member, 1995 International Workshop on Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, Japan.

PC member, 1995, 1999 Workshop on Self-Stabilizing Systems, USA.

PC member, 1993 International Joint Workshop on Computer Communication, Taiwan.

Steering Committee Member, 1998 International Conference on Chip Technology, Taiwan.

General Chair, 2002 International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Systems.

8. Reviewers

ACM Trans. on Programming Language and Systems

ACM Trans. on Computer Systems

IEEE Trans. on Computers

IEEE Trans. on Knowledge and Data Engineering

IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering

Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing

Information Processing Letters

Discrete Applied Mathematics

Distributed Computing

Journal of Information Science and Engineering

Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineering

Parallel Processing Letters


9. Graduated Ph. D. Students

Chen, N.S. (Aug. 1990)

DissertationStudies on Stable Properties in Distributed Systems


Hsu, S.C. (July, 1992)

DissertationAnalytical Techniques for Self-Stabilization


Wuu, L. C. (Jan. 1994)

DissertationSelf-Stabilization on Uniform Systems


Chai, M.S. (July, 1995)

DissertationOn the Design of Self-Stabilizing Algorithms


Jiang, J.R. (July, 1995)

DissertationQuorum Structures for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Mutual


Kuo, Y.C. (Jan. 1997)

DissertationQuorum Structures for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems


Liu, T. J. (May, 1999)

DissertationSelf-stabilizing Phase Synchronization


Hung, S.S.

Dissertation :