Professor Jason Jen-Yen Chen 


   Professor Chen is with the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering in National Central University in Taiwan. He earned international recognition by winning Top, Third, and Fifth Scholar in the world in the field of System and Software Engineering in 1995, 1996, and 1997, respectively. The ranking is based on cumulative publication of six leading journals in that field.


   Chen specializes in Process Environment. His single-authored paper entitled "CSPL: An Ada95-like, Unix-based Process Environment", appearing in the IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering in 1997, perhaps is the first Taiwan-made regular paper in that journal in recent decades. He is currently researching Agent-based Process Environment.


   Also, Chen won Top Grade in teaching evaluation of CSIE Department of Chiao Tung University in 1996. The winning course was "Object-Oriented Analysis and Design." He is an IEEE Senior Member.


   Recently, Chen is promoting an extreme-programming based agile method called "myAgile" among some universities in Taiwan.